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32. Evgeny Pomazan (G) 20. Denis Tumasyan 05. Milan Vjestica 32. Andrey Gorbanets 11. Aleksandr Schanitsin 70. Nikolay Safronidi 41. Aleksandr Sapeta 13. Andrey Bochkov 11. Edgar Manucharyan 09. Yury Movsisyan 11. Artur Sarkisov
30. Sergei Pesyakov (G) 04. Sergey Parshivlyuk 04. Sergey Bryzgalov 17. Salvatore Bocchetti 23. Dmitri Kombarov 18. Jose Jurado 08. Denis Glushakov 06. Rafael Carioca 06. Alberto Costa 91. Pavel Yakovlev 14. Yura Movsisyan